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And in other news...
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“Most home (urine) pregnancy tests detect HCG levels of 20 (mIU) or greater,” says Kelly Culwell, M.D., a board-certified OB-GYN and a previous medical officer for the World Health Organization. “Blood tests detect HCG levels of 2 (mIU) or greater, so a blood test might be positive before a urine test is.”
When To Take A Pregnancy Test, According To Experts
“Each individual has a different response to hormones in birth control, including impact on emotions or mood. Hormonal birth control can be associated with positive impacts, negative impacts or no impacts on mood,” says Kelly Culwell, "Dr. Lady Doctor.”
Does Birth Control Make You Moody?
“Because the medication used for the first part of the medication abortion was limited prior to the pandemic to being provided only in clinics with registered providers of the medication, it created a false perception that this medication is somehow unsafe or risky,” Culwell said in an earlier interview.
What to Know About Telemedicine Abortion
According to Kelly Culwell, MD, an OB-GYN with her own private practice, a medical abortion is a two-step process. "The first entails taking a single pill called Mifepristone, which stops the pregnancy from growing by blocking your body's production of the hormone progesterone and thinning the lining of the uterus. This pill is typically administered at your doctor's clinic but this can vary depending on state laws. Patients can also safely and effectively take these medications at home."